Monday, May 31, 2010

Bing better than Google now?

Just a day or two ago i did my usual Google search routine.

One of the words within my keyphrase was "gallery" (or galleries).

Google returned - nonsense! (that is nonsense as in nonsense!)
Meaning; the results had text on them that had something to do with my search term or it had lots of links that had something to do with my search term, but nothing that simply showed the kind of image galleries i was looking for.

I rephrased it several times but still no luck.

So, against my not so fond attitude for Badda Bing (as i call it) i went there, I still feel kind of offended that Microsoft helped themselves to my original idea of a background image for the main search interface, which i invented back in 1996 at the Gold Coast, Australia, long before Microsoft could even spell Bing (or so).
See for yourself at Useroo Search Art!
Of course, they use randomly changing photos, while I used my own, personally created art work, using Paint Shop Pro, to create it from scratch, without using photos, and then enhanced it further with a bit of Flash.

Anyway, so i entered the same search citeria in Bing - and voila, I instantly got the results I was looking for.
I also rephrased it several times here, still more to what i was looking for than the Google "gods in transparency" could come up with, i was frankly a tad amazed.....

From now on I will compare the results and encourage everybody to test drive both search engines, and maybe include as well. It shall be interesting to see what we will discover.

Maybe Google took a wrong turn somewhere, while Bing succeeded in offering customers a better search experience ?